Ever Ancient, Ever New

Liturgical Music by Luke Mayernik
Liturgical Music By Luke Mayernik
Liturgical Music by Luke Mayernik
Liturgical Music By Luke Mayernik
Forging musical homage to his Eastern Orthodox faith with the progressiveness of Western art, theology and tonality, Pulitzer Prize-nominated composer Luke Mayernik delivers fourteen inspiring tracks that are sure to become mainstays in the liturgical repertoire of parishes large and small.
From hymns and psalms for communal worship to a cappella choral pieces and compositions with full instrumentation, Ever Ancient, Ever New showcases Luke's unique ability to craft expressive and memorable melodies, supported by harmonic language that is tasteful and engaging.
Featured in Creator Magazine's "2011 Select 20 Anthems," the majestic "Mandatum Novum" is a wonderful choice for use during Lent, Holy Thursday or throughout the year to echo themes of love and service. If you're looking for fresh arrangements to expand your seasonal repertoire, look no further than "Advent and Christmas Alleluias" and "Thanksgiving Psalms."
Offering bonus material to help you bring these songs to life and enrich worship in your parish, the enhanced CD includes FREE lyric sheets, links to octavos and single instrument parts for purchase, as well as links to LicenSingOnline.org for downloadable assembly editions and music reprint permissions for worship aids!